As of June 2023, we are a two collie household. In the foreground: Ascian.
Detail of an illustration of the JAK/STAT pathway made for SYNthesis BioVentures based Andrew Wilks, the scientist who discovered and characterized the pathway and the kinases. An absolute honour!
Mia Jüllig, Paper Dog Ltd & Freedom Wolf™
Hi there, I am Mia, the person behind Paper Dog Ltd - the illustration service previously operating as Spotted Zebra Scientific Illustration. The gorgeous piece of white fluff by my side is Kråkan the Bearded Collie, Master of Barks and Paper Dog’s original canine representation in the real world.
When I tell people what I do, it sometimes gets confusing. Yes, I am a scientist, but I also do art? Can’t I make up my mind? I usually say that I am not “just” a scientist or graphics artist but a visual interpreter of science, and what I end up doing for people goes beyond merely making a picture. With a PhD in Veterinary Medical and Physiological Chemistry from the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (2001), I have a solid grasp of scientific jargon and concepts, and in my illustration capacity I strive to make things as clear as possible to communicate effectively with an audience that may or may not be experts in the field.
Adding somewhat to the confusion, I also dabble in sewing pieces of fabric together, and meticulous mapping of walking tracks around my home island of Waiheke. Some of the items related to dog walking are for sale under the Freedom Wolf™ tab - far left, top menu.
But back to the science and the graphics!
I joined The University of Auckland in 2002 where I have since held several roles, including working under the Auckland Science Analytical Services umbrella as a Senior Bioinformatician and Visualization Specialist. This arrangement lasted until 2017, when I started as the programme coordinator for the Bioscience Enterprise postgraduate programme at The University of Auckland.
With many returning clients still asking for images, as of 29 June 2018, I am operating my illustration adventure as a private business - Paper Dog Ltd.
In short: All designs are founded on a thorough understanding of the topic.
At this point, I have published more than 25 peer reviewed research papers - and have been making graphics to outline scientific concepts for more than 25 years.
Most of my images are made using Photoshop and/or Clip Studio Paint but additional software is brought in when needed.
I specialise in visual interpretation of complex data and other custom made illustrations for publication, e.g.
Pathway charts
Graphic abstracts
Front page artwork
Prettified graphs
PowerPoint slides
To discuss a project, get in touch via email: